Frequently-Asked Questions

Who can join the Orchestra?

NUSO is open to all currently enrolled students, staff, and faculty at Northeastern. Any additional requests to join will be considered at the discretion of the Director.

When are rehearsals?

Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 6:15 – 8:45pm in the Fenway Center.

What are open rehearsals?

Open rehearsals are a chance for you to see if NUSO is right for you! The first rehearsal of every semester is open for all interested members to attend. Keep an eye out for open rehearsals by following NUSO on Instagram at @nusymphonyorchestra or check on the website homepage for upcoming events.

When are auditions held, and how competitive are they?

Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester mainly to determine the size and repertoire of the ensemble — as well as seating within sections and eligibility for participation in chamber ensembles. All new and returning members must audition each year. For more information, read our Auditions page.

Can I participate in NUSO for course credit?

Yes! Students are strongly encouraged by the College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD) to sign up for orchestra as a free, one-credit elective. Undergraduate students may register for orchestra on myNortheastern by adding the section for MUSC 1906. This course may be repeated every semester for credit. For more information on course registration, click here.

Can I rent an instrument through NUSO?

Yes! For instrumental rental inquiries, contact our manager at

What if I need to miss a rehearsal?

Please communicate your absence as soon as possible to the Secretary at Members are allowed two excused absences (e.g. due to illness) and one unexcused absence per semester. However, it is not permitted to miss any dress rehearsal unless there is an emergency.

Want to get a glimpse of NUSO in action? Watch our info video!

Interested in learning more?

For more information about the ensemble, contact our Public Relations manager at