Quick Links
Have you paid your dues?
Orchestra is an extracurricular activity, but membership in NUSO requires an enrollment fee to sustain the organization.
Instrument Rentals
In need of an instrument? Contact our manager by emailing nuso.manager@gmail.com!
Course Registration
Members are strongly encouraged to enroll in Orchestra on myNortheastern (MUSC 1906 or CRN 30367 as of Spring 2020).
Sheet Music
Music is typically distributed during rehearsals. If you’re missing any pieces, reach out to our librarians at nuso.librarian@gmail.com.
Rehearsal Calendar
Attendance Reminder: NUSO members are allowed up to 2 excused absences (e.g. due to illness, etc.) and 1 unexcused absence. Dress rehearsals are mandatory unless in the case of an emergency.